Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Day, New Dilema

I just sent mom home from the hospital. She was waiting around to find out the results of the abdominal x-ray that occurred late tonight and to see if a CT scan would take place tonight as well. Dad's stomach has now distended and was bloated to the point where it was putting pressure on his diaphragm and making it difficult to breathe. The nurses want to get 7 cans of feed in him a day but he's not even tolerating 3 cans. The x-ray shows enlarged pockets in his colon but they are going to wait until morning for the CT as dad had fallen asleep and they don't feel it's an immediate concern. I am beginning to think that dad is just looking for attention!!! If only this were true.

His trach is currently plugged and if he makes it through the night without any complications then it could possibly come out tomorrow. After that, he has to stay another 24 hours for swallowing assessments and monitoring. We are still hoping for a Friday release but we'll have to wait and see what happens with his lung, and now his stomach.

The unit manager and nurse practitioner have been checking in many times today with mom. It is clear that mistakes were made and dad's case "slipped through the cracks" over the long weekend. Dad was supposed to loose the P.S.W. night sitter but one has been assigned to him anyway. I think they aren't wanting to ruffle any feathers with us right now!


  1. Kim is seems it is one step forward and two back. We talk about your family everyday and what we think are our troubles are so minor when compared to others. Keep the fate. We will keep your Dad and all your family in our thoughts and prayers.

    Ralph & Bernice

  2. Hi Kim,
    I have thought about your family everyday. Still keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Let me know if I can help in any way.

  3. Oh my!! Praying everything will look brighter soon..Delphine

  4. Hi Kim:

    You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Sending tons of positive healing thoughts Ivan's way.

    Jackie Dzerounian

  5. Sending you positive thoughts and positive vibes in my prayer..

  6. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Give your Dad my best.


  7. I got a feeling that a couple of more days and he'll be back to e's old ways. Sending along a prayer and a hug.

  8. Oh my.. that man has been through enough now.. Positive thoughts for a release as soon as possible.. Love our Ivan. Hurry up buddy.. take care and big hugs to you all.

    Melanie Keeping

  9. Ivan, you are always in my thoughts and prayers ......we are all praying for your recovery!

  10. Garge duckie, thinking of you & sending positive vibes your way, love from all all XOXO Flossie, hope your able to get some rest soon, you are an angel in disguise!! XO

    Love Rochelle
