Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Hard Days Night

It was a brutal night here with dad. I'm not sure why but anxiety was high and sleep was not happening. He needed to be suctioned quite a bit and the meds weren't doing anything to relax him. In fact, it made him more agitated. Most of what was going on was "in his head" and I wonder if he should be getting morphine anymore because it's messing him up more than it's helping. At 5:15 when he was given his regular meds, he was finally able to relax and has now been sleeping for the past two hours. He is so exhausted... Sure hope we hear something about this damn trach today.


  1. He may be allergic to one of the meds. Quite possibly the morphine. Thinking of you always and hope this ends soon for him and you guys as well and he's able to go home to his own bed and atmosphere. xoxoxoxo

    Pearl/Diet Coke Girl

  2. Thinking of you! Hope today is a better day for him. I will keep praying for all of you.

  3. Hope you made it to the 'shwa Kim. Rest up and relax if you can!

  4. As Red Green would say "KEEP YOUR STICK ON THE ICE.....WE'RE ROOTING FOR YA"!

    Gerald The hab fan! (sorry for swearing)

  5. Been thinking bout you fellers..Sorry to hear about the bad, restless night..My best guess is that you are right on with the assumption about the morphine..I have a son that was in hospital for kidney stones and they had him on morphine..If they had not changed the medication I dont know what would have happen to him..Since that day he has never taken any morphine again..

    Hope things are better tonight..Thanks for posting the update ..

  6. Bet you are right with the Morphine. Last winter they had Ron on 8 pills a day he was spaced out and didn't make any sence.So we cut it down to 4 pills a day and what a differance it made.. Hope tonight is better..Delphine

  7. Thanks for the updates Kim. Hope things are better now he's off the morphine. We think of you everyday. Love to all.

  8. Hi GUYS Things seem to be getting better hope you both are home soon. Love & Hugs Marie & Ed
