Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Always Something

Now that the long weekend is over and regular staff are back around, everyone is weighing in on what's been happening this past weekend.  The neurosurgeon was surprised to see dad still here as he had ordered ENT to change the trach on Saturday (as we were originally told).  He wasn't sure why the respiratory therapist was making these decisions because the purpose of dad's trach was the throat surgery, not a respiratory condition - an ENT responsibility.  So within a couple hours dad's trach was changed right there in his room.  Mom plugged the hole when I spoke to her and hearing his voice simply say "Hi Kim Kim" was the best sound I've heard in weeks.  Finally some progress here.  We are hoping that this trach will be removed by Wednesday.

Last night was another horrible night with dad.  He required lots of suctioning and chest thrusts so an x-ray was ordered.  Today we learned that part of dad's left lung has collapsed and he also has pneumonia.  High doses of antibiotics were immediately started intravenously.    Dad's "food" has finally been changed and we think the reaction to the old stuff is finally over.  What a busy couple of days it's been for my mom who's been there for 36 hours straight (without sleep).  Brad is taking over the night shift tonight as there is not a P.S.W. assigned to dad anymore (as he's out of the critical stage).
What an awful week but the end is in sight...just lots of hurdles to jump before we get there. 


  1. Better days ahead for all of you....you are in our prayers =)

  2. What? Ivan is a Warrior!!!

  3. Oh my Kim, I hear your frustration way over here in Labrador girl! You are all troopers!! Here is to better days ahead. Hugs for your angel Mom and kisses for that miracle of a Dad you have!! Please tell them that Sher thinks of them often and is saying prayers and sending very positive vibes their way! You take care of yourself as well.xoxo

  4. better days ahead for sure Kim.. Your poor mom must be beat...praying for you all .. Delphine

  5. We are watching from afar and wishing all the very best. Ivan, the Leaf camp opens in about a week so take heart!!
    Eric & Denise

  6. Happy that he's doing so much better! He'll be home in no time now, girl. Hang in there. Hugs to all.


  7. Kim it seems somebody was slacking in your Father's Care (I don't mean his family). We have often wondered what would happen to your Dad if his family were not around. Hopefully things will get better from this point on. Still thinking and praying for all the family.

    Ralph & Bernice

  8. Kim...Sending positive thoughts and best wishes to your dad,hopefully things will get better real soon...Hang in there,hugs to all.

  9. All the best to your dad Kim, your mom is an angel straight from heaven....

  10. Thinking of you guys and Praying for your dad. Thank You for the updates.

  11. Hopefully Ivan is over the worst and hereon end, there will be nothing but continued improvment. Continuing to pray for all
