Monday, September 5, 2011

More Delays

A discouraging day for mom and dad today as a visit from the respiratory therapist informs another step on the road to speaking... The trach dad currently has in does not have any holes to allow air flow when plugged which means they will have to change his trach to one that has the tiny holes before they can cap it. This means dad will be in the hospital longer than we thought.  Dad has also been sick all day, reacting to the feeds, a new issue to now deal with. What a crappy situation.  Due to this latest development, mom will be staying with dad tonight.

The good news (because we have to find some in here somewhere) is that dad did not require much suctioning today.  Also, the new pain meds are allowing him to sleep and relax a little more.  Thank goodness for that.


  1. Our heart goes out to you Dad and his family, it must be such a trying time for all.

  2. Will sweet Jesus that sucks!! hope he has a better day tomorrow..

  3. What a family...I recently was in the hospital for a week and not once did I have a visitor..I realize that my two sons are in Winnipeg and Halifax and a visit from them would be impossible..Must be great to have a caring family so close...

    Hang in there,you are in my thoughts..

  4. ===oh my goodness! I have been away and busy with a weekend reunion, so just now got to check in and see how Ivan, and the rest of you, have been doing. My heart is heavy that you must daily face opposition to what you know from experience works for your dad, Kim! As a Reg.Nurse, [retired], I too have dealt with issues where co-operation is not only requested, but necessary. This is a unique human being we are dealing with here, not a number on a chart. Kudos to Karen for standing her ground! And you too. Please give your sweet Dad a hug for me....and tell him I will be very "habby" when he is home and feeling better again. God bless you all!!!!
