Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Heavy Heart

It was awful leaving dad tonight.  The effects of the surgery and radiation (as warned) kicked in late this afternoon and dad was very uncomfortable and in pain.  It's so hard to see him this way.  He's very unhappy with his new specialized bed. We're not sure if it really is the bed or just the discomfort he is feeling from the surgery and radiation.  I wouldn't be surprised if we have to change back to the regular bed tomorrow.

After discussions with literally 10 different health professionals (nurses, dietitian, pharmacist, etc) we STILL had mix ups with meds tonight.  I'm not sure why this is happening because we've shared the med list so many times, with so many people, that it shouldn't be a concern.  This is when I am extra thankful that my mom is so "in tune" and knows her stuff because she caught mistakes simply by the colour of the liquid (since his pills are still being crushed and added to liquids).  It's very frustrating and makes us fearful to leave him at all!

Thankfully the same P.S.W. that was with him last night is there again tonight. She's really nice and dad likes her.  This is reassuring to us as we left him with lumps in our throat and tears in our eyes.  I have a feeling that the next couple of days are going to be like this...not fun.  :(


  1. So sorry Kim. Hope tomorrow is a better day. As I said before, your mom is amazing. God bless.

  2. Praying you all have a better day...Delphine

  3. ===Hugs galore, warm thoughts, many prayers...===

  4. Hi Ivan, Karen, Kim, Brad, Jess and the kids.

    Are thoughts are with you all. We love you all very much.

    Rachel, Marco and Isabella.

    p.s Isabella misses you a lot she peeps in your side window looking for you. Its too funny.

  5. OMG Kim and Karen I just read all this from the beginning of surgery. Wow, how tramatic for all of you. Thanks God for your mother and her knowledge and her "red roots". They are both strong strong people your parents. Poor Garge to have to go through all this, but hopefully he will be much better off because of it. Our hearts, and thoughts go out to all you guys. Say hi to the ole fart from us, and he's got to get better soon as he has so many things to do. Take care all of you, and thanks for this wonderful blog to keep us all informed about a great man.
