Monday, August 8, 2011

...And Waiting...

Patience is fleeting here in the 'shwa, and frustration is growing.  It has been 6 weeks since the scan that alarmed us to this time-sensitive throat concern and we STILL don't have a date from Toronto for surgery.  With each day that passes we are feeling more and more trapped here as prisoners in our own home.  This truly is the best place to be (next to already being in a hospital) in the event of an emergency with dad (due to proximity to emergency services) so we really don't want to go anywhere.  We are feeling like our lives are on hold and it's not a situation where we can "just go on with living" because it only takes a few minutes for the worst to happen and we certainly aren't ready or willing to take that chance.  When we had our appointment 5 weeks ago the doctors were very concerned about the rate of growth on dad's vertebrae, and having seen the scan, we can't get past our fears of what is to come.  Although we are afraid of this surgery, we are more afraid of what it means to NOT have this surgery (apparently breathing is kind of important).  Mom has been placing calls to the hospital for the past few days and hasn't really gotten anywhere.  Messages have been left but no calls have been returned.  It seemed like everything was in hyper-drive a few weeks ago and now has stalled. We understand that dad's hospital stay a couple weeks ago set us back and that it is summer holiday season, but this is a life-threatening condition and we fear we don't have time to spare.  The severity of the situation increases with each passing day.  Not sure how much more of this stress my poor parents can take.... We also learned today (after talking to the receptionist) that the E.N.T. (who is one of the doctors involved in the actual surgery) is on holidays for "the greater part of August"!!!  ARGH!!!

Thank you for continuing to check in on us and sending us your positive energy. We need all that we can get these days.  I will continue to keep you updated with any information as it becomes available.

1 comment:

  1. Lord frig, I wonder do they ever realize how bad it is for patients to sit and wait? Every minute is like an eternity. I don't think they do, you know. Thinking of you often my duckies and I hope they get Ivan in there real soon. Hang in there. xo

