Tuesday, July 12, 2011

We're Not Sure - Is No News, Good News?

Nothing to report fact wise.  We've been waiting by the phone for the past two days, waiting to hear from any one of the doctors on dad's team.  The waiting is very frustrating but not much can be done about that, so we are just trying to keep ourselves distracted. Visits from friends and family members has been helpful in that department.  We are too afraid to venture very far from home, so we aren't really able to enjoy the hot, sunny weather.  On a positive note, dad's pressure sore (an earlier issue) is now healed to the point where he can get up for longer periods each day!  Any new developments will most definitely be posted here.  Some people have been checking in and phoning, so I thought a quick "no news" update might be appreciated. 


  1. Well, that's something then honey.....nothing is more frustrating than waiting on a doctors phone call. Thinking about you all every day.


  2. ===thank you for the up-dates..your Dad is in my thoughts and in my prayers. Hugs all around!!
