Thursday, July 7, 2011

Welcome to Our Blog

Our phone is ringing off the hook again, very reminiscent of 17 years ago when dad had his horrible accident that left him a quadriplegic.  Dad's recent medical journey is complicated and difficult to explain.  As you can imagine, it is very difficult to repeat this information over and over to our many family and friends.  We are so blessed to have you all in our lives showing so much support, so to keep you all in the loop, we decided to create this blog with updates as they occur.  Please forward this link to anyone who you think may want to know about my father's progress and current condition.  Thank you so much for your overwhelming words of support and well wishes.  We recognize how fortunate we are to have such a large network of caring people in our lives.  We love you all.  Updates to come shortly.


  1. Oh my! I just can't beleive this, and here I is wineing cause my back was bad..Please God watch over this beautiful family... XXOO

  2. I'm not drinking I should be whining

  3. LOL, Delphine. I think wine would be more appropriate here today! or more fun at least!

  4. Sending lots of love & positive thoughts your way. If there is anything we can do please do not hesitate to call, we are right here in Toronto!! (((HUGS))) to all of you!!

    Tell your dad I said GO HABS

  5. Jill, her dad says piss on the reHabs

  6. Garge you certainly have not lost your sense of humour my friend - Go HABS Go, lol

    You know sometimes we just can't see when the storms will end - so I am praying you will be encouraged by the God of Hope ~ the One who knows the end from the beginning. He cares about you and I do to!

    Luvs Ya I do - Big Hugss

  7. Thinking About You And Your Family Ivan..take care god bless..

  8. Cant get a chance to check in here..I got myself worn out looking for trivia answers to questions Ivan has on the go in another site lol.
