Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back...

Dad managed to sleep during the night, which is awesome considering his feelings towards hospitals! The blood work that was done this morning shows that his white blood cell count is going down.  We are waiting for the next set of results.  At this point, the local hospital wants to keep him for one more night kept on IV to continue to attack this infection. Here, they believe surgery on Thursday is still possible.

In Toronto, it's another story. We talked with the secretary for the neurosurgeon today. This doctor wants to cancel the surgery, which means we'll go back to another waiting period for surgery reshuffling.  We also learned that the appointment with the anesthesiologist was scheduled for this morning and nobody notified us, so it was missed!  The local hospital is willing to transport him to and from Toronto for this appointment by ambulance if necessary.  So, we're not sure if surgery is a go on Thursday or when it will happen if it's canceled. The surgeon is in surgery today and when he comes out, his secretary will fill him in on the latest information and I guess we'll take it from there.

Not much else to report at this time. As we learn more, I will post it here.


  1. Oh my! thanks for keeping us updated Kim... Always something

  2. I can imagine how anxious he is to get that over..Hope it's a go for Thursday
